10 Mantras To Help You Manifest More Money

I’m a huge fan of manifestation, and have many examples of how it’s helped me financially! There are a ton of different methods you can try- from vision boards, scripting, acting as if, meditation, etc. Regardless of which method you choose, using a money mantra regularly is a great way to manifest more money into your life.

Here are 10 mantras to help you manifest more money:

  1. Money flows freely into my life

  2. Money comes to be in both expected and unexpected ways

  3. I don’t chase, I attract. What is meant for me will simply find me.

  4. There is an infinite supply of abundance available for me

  5. I am worthy of receiving money

  6. I am wealthy

  7. I am a money magnet

  8. Wealth pours into my life daily

  9. I am financially stable

  10. I have $_______ in my savings account

I’ll dive into more detail in another post on exactly HOW manifestation has helped me gain money. I’d love to hear from you! What’s your favourite money mantra?