A Spooky Halloween Bar Cart

Pick your poison! I love decorating our bar cart for holidays, but Halloween might be my favourite!

Here are some details about our spooky Halloween bar cart:

I wanted to include some magical bottles on our bar cart, but couldn’t find any that I loved. I ended up ordering a pack of 100 apothecary stickers to stick to blank bottles that I bought or thrifted.

In the 80s, my dad started collecting little bottles of alcohol on vacation. He gave me his collection of full unopened bottles a couple years ago (there’s over 50 bottles total), so I decided to incorporate some into the bar cart! I put a few of my favourites under this little dome tray, and I love how it turned out.

I added a little letter board, some Halloween straws, and a fun beaker bottle. I found the cutest little beaker bottles in the Halloween section at Michael’s, and I had to get them. You can see the black one and tall skinny one in the other photos.

I added a couple of crystal cocktail glasses that we got at our favourite antique store in Grande-Digue this Summer, and of course this Rae Dunn wine tumbler.

To top it off, I added purple battery operated lights. I had so much fun putting this together and love how it turned out!

I’ve been debating on painting the gold part of the bar cart black- should I go for it? Let me know in the comments!