Our Halloween Dining Room Decor (Rae Dunn & more) | 2022

I’ve been knee deep in Halloween decor for over a week now. We have SO much Halloween stuff, and I’ve been decluttering and sorting it all this week so I can start decorating. I’ve finally arranged some of it to look halfway decent - SO I wanted to share our 2022 Halloween dining room decor!

Other than the dining room, I’m also decorating our front steps, entryway table, and my antique buffet in the living room.

Here is our 2022 Halloween Dining Room:

I used to feel SO stressed out over not having a stereotypical aesthetically pleasing home. I’ve noticed a shift on social media lately where more and more people are sharing their real, normal homes, and I LOVE that.

I don’t have a perfect dining room for decorating, or a perfect white kitchen. Our home is full of family heirloom antiques, thrift finds, and various pieces we’ve acquired over the years. I don’t want a perfect show room house. If my home had to have a specific vibe, it would be like the houses on Disney channel shows- full of life and love, and items that don’t necessarily match but somehow go well together.

Alright, random stream of consciousness over, here’s the decor:

I’ll be making a separate post with the bar cart details soon!

I LOVE decorating with books for every holiday! These are my son’s Halloween books. I put them in this cute basket from Atlantic Superstore. At school, he is assigned 15 minutes of reading per night, so we’ll get through these in no time.

I made the above arrangement using flowers and skeleton wreath picks from Michael’s, and it turned out so cute!

I really love how the room turned out this year and can’t wait to share more details about the bar cart with you soon!