5 Things To Let Go Of This Full Moon

Photo By Ashley Marie Creative Studios

Full moons are for releasing, new moons are for manifesting. Back in October, you may remember my blog post where I went to a Blue Moon Witches Party at my friend Karen’s house on Halloween. At the party, we released lists of things that were no longer serving us by burning them under the full moon.

You don’t need a Halloween party to harness the magic of the Full Moon! In my Moonology Diary, I often write lists of things to release during every full moon. Once you write your list, you can burn it, throw it away, throw it in water, etc.

Here are 5 things to release during this week’s full moon:

1- that bad relationship you’re hanging onto

I’m not telling you to go break up with your SO because it’s a full moon- BUT- if you’ve recently gone through a breakup, or are looking for the courage to go through with one, writing down the negative feelings and attachments you want to release can be really helpful! At the Blue Moon party, I was about 7 months past my separation with my ex husband, and it helped me to write out things I wanted to release from that situation, such as stress, anxiety, etc.

2- negative thoughts about yourself

Negative self talk? We don’t want it!

Write down any negativity you’ve been feeling towards yourself, and then let it go! This could be in regards to your appearance, worries about health, overthinking something you did, etc. Write it down, and release.

3- stress from work

Did a client or customer really get under your skin this week? Did you not get that promotion you wanted? These sorts of things happen, and when they do, the negative feelings from them can linger. Write out exactly how these situations made you feel, and then send them to the moon.

4- bad habits

We all have bad habits and could all use a bit of encouragement getting rid of them sometimes. Writing down your bad habits is a good way to bring self awareness to them, and to determine which ones need releasing. Remember, you can’t just write them down and hope they go away- this requires actual work and effort, but releasing them is a great first step.

5- clutter

A full moon is my favourite time to do a little decluttering! Even though I feel like I declutter regularly, there always seem to be new things popping up that I can get rid of. I keep a donation box on the go at all times and fill it with items to donate every month. The end of July/August is a great time to declutter because it’s leading into Fall/back to school season. The community where I live brings in a dumpster every Fall for us to fill with large items that we can’t leave at the curb- so for me, the end of Summer is one of my favourite times to decide what household items need to go.

A full moon is also a good time to do a digital decluttering of your email, friends lists, etc.

Happy Full Moon!