3 Things To Do During A New Moon To Manifest Your Dreams

If you’ve been following along for a while, you know that I am a huge believer in manifestation. I believe with unwavering certainty that we hold the power to manifest our dreams, and a new moon is the perfect time to set those intentions.

Tonight is a New Moon in Taurus- and it’s also the last New Moon before the upcoming super Full Moon eclipse in Sagittarius- which according to many astrologists, makes tonight’s New Moon even more powerful.

If you don’t know a lot about manifestation, moon phases etc, the most important thing to remember is that Full Moons are for releasing things, and New Moons are for manifesting, new beginnings, etc.

Here are 3 things we can do during the New Moon to help manifest our dreams:

1- Set Your Intentions

For Christmas, I was gifted the 2021 Moonology Diary, by Yasmin Boland, and it has spaces for each date to write intentions, along with prompts for each New Moon and Full Moon. The prompts for this New Moon center around abundance, and asks questions such as:

“What represents abundance to me?”

“Am I generous with myself and others? Who do I love who is generous? How does their generosity make me feel?”

“What do I really value and am I living my life in accordance to that?”

Doing prompts like this is a great exercise to help you understand WHY you want what you want, which allows it to manifest it faster. It’s easy enough to say we want more money- but WHY do you want it? What does that abundance feel like? By considering how it would feel to already have what you want and sitting in that energy, it raises your vibration up to the vibration you’d be at if you already had it- and that’s when the manifestations begin to come true.

Along with the prompts, creating a list of intentions and things you want to manifest is also important. When doing this, make sure to word it as if you already have it- this is called acting “as if”. For example, instead of saying things like “I want more money”, try “Money flows freely into my life.” For specific amounts, you can word it like “I am receiving $5000”, etc.

If it’s love you want to manifest, try writing things like “I radiate unconditional love”, “My heart is open to give and receive love”, etc.

If you have TikTok, you’ve probably also heard the affirmation that says “I don’t chase, I attract. What’s meant for me will simply find me”, or “What’s meant for me will not pass me by”- those are a couple of my favorites and I repeat them often.

2- Cleanse your space

Having a cleansed space is SO important for raising your energy and vibration. Leading up to a New Moon, you can work at literally cleaning and decluttering- but on the night of the New Moon, you can use sage, incense, or palo santo to cleanse the space and rid your home of negative energy.


3- Use Crystals

Ugh I love crystals so much, and my collection has grown a lot this year. There are crystals to assist in pretty much anything you want to manifest. A Full Moon is actually a good time to charge crystals, so they’re ready for New Moon manifesting.

There are different crystal grids you can create (Pinterest has lots of ideas), or you can simply hold them, wear them, put them in your bath, use them along with oracle cards, meditate with them, etc.

Remember to show gratitude

Showing gratitude and having a grateful heart is key for manifesting. I have a gratitude journal that I use daily to write 3 things from my day I was grateful for.

When you’re manifesting during the New Moon, take some time to feel true appreciation for everything the universe has brought you so far.

happy manifesting!