Slaying the Author's Imposter Monster: Conquering Doubts As A Writer

Hey there, aspiring authors! Are you all too familiar with that nagging feeling that someday someone's going to bust you for not being a "real" writer? Well, you're not alone. This is something I’ve personally dealt with for YEARS, and have only recently begun working towards getting rid of it.

It's called imposter syndrome, and it's like a sneaky little gremlin that loves to lurk in the minds of creatives. But fear not, friends, because we're about to launch a full-on assault to kick that gremlin to the curb!

1. Embrace the Creative Chaos

So, you've got a million story ideas swirling around in your head, and your inner critic is having a field day. Here's the deal: Writing is a wild, messy journey. It's totally normal to feel like you don't have it all together. Embrace the chaos! I am multi passionate, and sometimes feel like I have TOO MANY ideas, but I have confidence and faith that one day, ONE of those ideas will make it.

2. Fake It 'til You Make It (But Don't Fake Your Talent)

Imposter syndrome loves to convince you that you're faking it. Well, here's a secret: everyone feels like an imposter at some point. The trick is to push past that self-doubt and keep writing. Confidence comes from doing, so keep on faking it until your writing becomes an unstoppable force of awesomeness!

I follow a fairly popular influencer who got her start being a stay at home housewife, and now after her divorce, is shifting into the world of writing. One thing I noticed about her, is she immediately started calling herself a writer, even though she had no actual background in professional writing. She created a substack, and sends out weekly newsletters about her life, and is working on two novels. She didn’t care that people might (and do) snark on her calling herself a writer. She writes, therefore she is a writer.

3. Share Your Work, Imperfections and All

It's natural to want your writing to be perfect before sharing it. But here's the thing: perfection is overrated. Your words don't have to be flawless; they just have to be yours. Share your work with trusted friends or fellow writers, and you'll discover that vulnerability is the key to growth.

I have a real fear of sharing my work, but having feedback from people I trust is extremely important and valuable to my writing career.

4. Celebrate Your Victories (Even the Tiny Ones)

Did you write a killer paragraph today? Celebrate it! Finished a whole chapter? You're a superstar! Small wins add up to big victories, and recognizing your accomplishments along the way will help silence that inner critic.

5. Remember: Nobody Has It All Figured Out

Guess what? Even your favorite authors have days when they doubt their brilliance. Nobody has all the answers or a golden ticket to success. Writing is a journey, and we're all just figuring it out as we go along. So cut yourself some slack, and enjoy the ride!

6. Connect with Fellow Authors

Feeling like an imposter is like being trapped in your own head. One of the best ways to banish those feelings is by connecting with other authors. Join writing groups, attend workshops, and engage with the writing community. You'll quickly realize you're not alone in your struggles, and you can learn a ton from your fellow wordsmiths.

7. Make Mistakes (They're Your Secret Superpower)

Mistakes? Yeah, they're actually pretty awesome. They're like little stepping stones on your path to becoming a better writer. Embrace the mess-ups, learn from them, and use them to propel yourself forward.

8. Believe in Your Unique Voice

You, my friend, have a voice that's entirely your own. It's a voice worth sharing with the world. Remember, no one can tell your stories the way you can. So, believe in your unique perspective and let it shine through in your writing.

Imposter Syndrome might be a persistent little bugger, but you're armed with the tools to conquer it. Keep writing, keep growing, and most importantly, keep having fun with your craft. Embrace the adventure, because being an author is all about embracing the wild, unpredictable journey.