Manifestation Monday | Our New Blog Series!


Happy Monday, friends! Manifestation Monday is a new series on the blog! Each Monday I’ll take you through my current wishes and manifestations, my mantras, and everything I’m doing to manifest the life I desire.

I’ve been a big fan of manifestation for a few years now, and have seen first hand the power of positive thinking and the law of attraction.

Throughout this series, we’ll talk about vision boards, journaling, acting “as if”, mantras, the law of attraction, and more. I’ll also be sharing my favourite law of attraction YouTubers and Bloggers, tips & tricks, information on my own law of attraction journey, and interviewing businesses along the way.

I know what you’re thinking- it sounds like a bunch of woo, but I promise it’s real, and it works. There is nothing too big or too small that you can’t manifest over time.

Starting next Monday, I’ll take you through a list of things I’ve already manifested, and things I’m trying to manifest right now!

Do you believe in the law of attraction? Have you manifested things into your life? Comment below!