10 Holiday Tradtions To Start With Your Significant Other This Year

It’s my first holiday season with Kris, and he loves holiday traditions just as much as I do. I’ve been brainstorming some ideas, and wanted to share them in case any of you are looking for new traditions to start with your SO!

1- Use A Special Wrapping Paper For One Gift Each Year

My mom actually started this tradition with me when I was a kid, and I’m doing it with my son as well, but it would also be a great tradition for your significant other. Buy a large roll of special wrapping paper (a fun themed print, a print significant to you, etc), and wrap one special gift in that paper each year. It will become a fun tradition for them to look for that paper under the tree every Christmas.

I also included this point in my “10 Holiday Traditions To Start With Your Children This Year” post!

2- Have A Holiday Date Night

Hire a babysitter & hit the town for a special holiday date night. Go out for Christmas themed drinks, dinner & a movie, or simply grab a hot chocolate and go Christmas shopping together.

If pandemic restrictions limit your date options, have a date night at home with some champagne, dinner & Christmas movies.

3- Get A Special Ornament Every Year

When we were in Shediac this year, Kris and I picked up a few Christmas ornaments for our tree. It’s fun to collect ornaments for special themes, such as vacations, your first home, your pets, and other significant events. You can also go to your local clay café and paint a special ornament together every year.

4- Do Charitable Acts Together

There’s nothing like giving back during the holidays, and choosing special organizations to give back to together is a great tradition to start.

5- Visit A Christmas Tree Farm

Even if you aren’t planning on getting a real tree this year, Christmas tree farms usually sell wreaths and other holiday goodies- and they’re so fun to visit!

6- Do A Holiday Double Date

This year, one of my friends asked if we wanted to do a holiday double date with her and her husband, and I think it’s such a fun idea! There are a ton of different organizations that host Christmas dinners & dinner shows every year, and it’s the perfect opportunity to get dressed up and spend time with friends.

7- Go For A Holiday Stroll

I read a post once about a couple who goes for a walk with their dog every Thanksgiving after all of the guests leave. They bring a couple of travel mugs of coffee, and it’s a time for them to unwind together and enjoy the peace and quiet after a busy day. I thought this was such a simple and lovely tradition to start.

8-Listen To Holiday Music & Decorate The Tree

This is a fun tradition to do as a family if you have kids, or just as a couple. Kris has accumulated 3 record players since moving into the townhouse, and I’m SO looking forward to playing Christmas music on them this year as we decorate the tree.

9- Plan A Holiday Staycation

A staycation is exactly what you need to unwind during the holidays. Take a weekend in December to stay at a local hotel, do some shopping downtown, go out for dinner & drinks, and just enjoy each other’s company. Plus, Christmas movies are best watched in cozy hotel beds.

10- Go Ice Skating Or On A Sleigh Ride

Is there anything more romantic than a sleigh ride through snow covered trails. Grab a candy cane hot chocolate and get outside for ice skating downtown or a sleigh ride through the woods.

What’s a special tradition you have with your significant other?