Office Refresh! | Mini Office Makeover

I’ve been on a mission lately to re do the spaces in our home that don’t feel like us, and make them feel like us- does that make sense?

I want to walk into our home and feel refreshed, relaxed, and rejuvenated (ahh alliteration.)

Earlier this year, Kris helped me paint the office white, to brighten up the space. My office is at the back of the house, so it doesn’t get a lot of natural light, and has no overhead lighting at all. Painting it white really helped bring in that fresh bright look I was going for.

Last Christmas my mom bought me a ladder shelf, and matching ladder desk. We literally just picked it up from her house a couple weeks ago (almost a year later), because we had no idea where we wanted them to go, and no vehicle at the time that would fit the big boxes they came in. Previously, I had a clothing rack in my office, but I recently decided it wasn’t needed or practical. I have a large closet in our bedroom, and another unused closet in the office if I really need clothing space. Once the clothing rack was gone, I had room for the new shelves!

The shelves are from Atlantic Superstore and took about an hour each to assemble (thank you Kris!)

I’m not finished decorating the space, and have a few more things to add to the shelves, but I’m loving it so far! I don’t know how to describe it, but this room just feels like me. I also want to add more plants and get a new planter for my massive snake plant (named Matilda), which was a gift from my Nan.

On the ladder desk, I decided to display my oracle cards, spiritual books, and other similar items. I’m going to add crystals, candles, etc.

Between the new shelves is a small white and black desk I had when I was a child. I’ve turned it into my sewing and craft desk.

I’ll update again when it’s fully decorated! What do you think so far?